In recent years, the European Union has undertaken remarkable steps to enforce equal
rights for citizens with disabilities. The EU has ratifed the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities in December 2010, and to date most of its Member States
have also ratifed it. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)
is an international human rights instrument intended to protect the rights and dignity of
people with disabilities. Parties to the Convention are required to promote, protect, and
ensure the full enjoyment of human rights by people with disabilities on an equal basis with
There are eight guiding principles that underlie the Convention and each one of its
specifc articles:
1. Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make one’s
own choices, and independence of persons;
2. Non-discrimination;
3. Full and efective participation and inclusion in society;
4. Respect for diference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human
diversity and humanity;
5. Equality of opportunity;
6. Accessibility;
7. Equality between men and women;
8. Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right
of children with disabilities to preserve their identities.
In this context, the rights of ageing people with disabilities should not be forgotten. People
with autism, their families or representatives, and relevant organisations must gain a strong
understanding of their rights and governments must fulfl their obligations under the
The intersection of age and disability has not yet been taken into account by the European
Union and its Member States’ legislators and policy makers in the context of implementing
the UNCRPD. Across Europe, people with disabilities currently face a gap between policy and
practice, for example, in France – a country which has ratifed the UNCRPD – a person over
the age of 60 years is no longer considered a person with a disability in relation to welfare
payments. Instead, a person aged over 60 years is simply considered an older person,
regardless of their disability and individual needs. In this case, government allowances are
signifcantly lower and the individual may be required to pay up to 90 percent of their long-
term care costs. Therefore, in France, older people have an interest in becoming incapacitated
before the age of 60 years.
This gap in understanding and addressing the needs of older
people with disabilities must be addressed as part of the implementation of the UNCRPD.
Taking due account of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities, the Council of Europe has adopted the Recommendation on ageing and disability
in the 21st
in 2009. In its recommendation, the Council of Europe indicates that the
ageing of people with disabilities, particularly of those requiring more intensive support,
compels Member States to adopt innovative approaches. In this regard, the Council of
Europe notes that “the quantity and quality of community-based and residential support
services in this feld have been unsatisfactory, especially for people with learning disabilities.
Older people with disabilities have sufered a double disadvantage, as seen in their relatively
low priority in health- and social-care policies and provision.”
With due regard for their own national, regional or local structures and respective
responsibilities, the Council of Europe Member States should contribute to the creation of
sustainable frameworks to enable greater quality of life in an inclusive society for ageing
people with disabilities.
The following recommendations formulated by Autism-Europe take into account the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the articles 25 and 26 of the
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (on the rights of the elderly and
people with disabilities), as well as the Recommendation of the Council of Europe on ageing
and disability in the 21st century. They are also based on Autism-Europe’s position paper on
ageing that was published in 2003. These recommendations are addressed to policy makers
as guidance in fulflling their obligations to older people with autism.
The right to an independent life and self-determination (art. 19 of the UNCRPD)
People with autism and other types of disabilities requiring a high level of support have
the right to make decisions for their own future, and to ask for the provisions of the UN
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to be respected.
The right to maintain or improve the quality of health (art. 25 of the UNCRPD)
People with autism should be provided with the necessary means to ensure:
• Prevention of health problems related to ageing, notably through regular check-ups and
• Accurate diagnosis and accurate information on their specifc health condition;
• Prevention of problems related to their specifc health conditions (e.g. osteoarthritis due to stereotypy);
•Treatment of individual health conditions.
• Accurate diagnosis and accurate information on their specifc health condition;
• Prevention of problems related to their specifc health conditions (e.g. osteoarthritis due to stereotypy);
•Treatment of individual health conditions.
The right to maintain and improve communication and social interaction (art 9 and art 26 of the UNCRPD)
Older people with autism should be provided with access to adapted/alternative means of
communication and visual information.
Where possible, inter-generational dialogue involving older people with autism should be
fostered by:
• Participation in cultural events and other leisure or sports activities with younger people
in the broader community;
• Facilitatation of contact between schools, youth organisations and structures for older
people with autism.
The right to appropriate intervention (art 26 of the UNCRPD)
Multidisciplinary assessment and co-ordination of interventions should be provided for
people with autism throughout their lifespan, including during old age, while taking into
• The functional abilities of the older person;
•The interests and wishes of the older person and his/her family.
Individualised support plans for people with autism should be designed and put into practice
with the main objectives of:
• Improving and maintaining skills for autonomy in the home or residence;
• Improving and maintaining social skills in community activities
The right to have services to provide a good quality of life (art 26 of the UNCRPD)
Older people with autism should be fully and directly involved throughout the process of
designing, implementing and evaluating services that aim to meet their needs. Families, care
providers and friends should also be involved in these processes, as appropriate services
should be the result of a dialogue between relevant stakeholders. A diversity of accredited
services must also be available.
Service users with autism and their families/representatives must have permanent contact
and dialogue with the staf, the opportunity to express their needs, priorities, hopes and
desires, and to participate fully in the development, monitoring and review of individual
support plans.
In order to achieve these goals, services should provide specifc, qualifed interventions
consequent to contemporary knowledge in the feld of autism. Services should also have
a stable and reliable structure that adopts quality standards related to the quality of life
of the users and is based on a set of rules defning responsibilities, day-to-day routines and procedures.
These measures will enable family and staf members to identify the individual needs of
people with autism. These measures will also provide a way of reducing the risk of isolation
and exclusion.
The right to education and lifelong learning (art 24 of the UNCRPD)
Relevant services must provide a learning environment and education facilities adapted
to older people with autism. For people with autism, throughout their lifespan, education
represents a lot more than a basic right. Lifelong education is necessary to compensate
for the great difculties that people with autism have in extracting meaning from simple
experiences (something most other people are capable of without specifc educational
support) and to attain the highest possible degree of self-sufciency.
The right to housing facilities (art 19 and 23 of UNCRPD)
People with autism must be supported to remain in their own homes as long as they can,
like other ageing people, or live in places where they were accustomed to spending time
before retiring from ’active life’. Preparation for the changes in living arrangements must be
carefully planned. New environments must be adapted to the specifc needs of each person with autism.
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