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Symptoms Of Amenorrhea

The main indication of amenorrhea is that you don't have menstrual periods. Depending on the cause of amenorrhea, you might experience other signs or symptoms along with the absence of periods, such as:

Milky nipple discharge
Hair loss
Vision changes
Excess facial hair

How can she know if I have amenorrhea?

If you miss your period, contact your health care provider. First, he or she will want to know if your period has stopped because of a normal condition such as pregnancy or menopause. (Most women go through menopause in their early 50s.) You will be given a physical and pelvic exam, and will be asked about your medical history. You will also be asked to describe your symptoms. A sample of blood and urine may be taken for testing.

In some cases, finding the cause of amenorrhea can be difficult. You can help your health care provider by keeping a record of changes in your menstrual cycle with a menstrual calendar. Note how long your periods last and when you had your last period. Also, report any drugs you are taking and changes in your diet and/or exercise program. You should also report any emotional problems you are having, including stress.


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