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Potty Training

The politically correct term may be "toilet learning", but nearly every parent that we know still says "potty training".  Which just emphasizes that our outlook on this subject often borrows more from other parents than from the rigid philosophies of the "experts".  It seems to be a characteristic of humans (especially moms) that we read everything we can, but then poll all our friends with the question "how did that work for you?" Our pragmatic side knows that the way to wade through all the conflicting theories out there is to find out how it really works in actual practice -- for moms like us and for kids like ours

Bedwetting meanwhile is one of the few problems parents don't commonly discuss with one another. The conspiracy begins in the toddler years with all the anxious discussions between parents (most often moms) about whose child is potty trained and whose child was "dry all night". The "dry all night" and the "completely potty trained" parents are congratulated and admired. The "not there yets" are consoled and encouraged. And those "odd ball" parents whose children are "not even in pull ups yet" at 2 1/2 and 3 are quietly gossiped about as though they, surely, are doing something insidiously wrong.

It's a hot issue, getting our children successfully potty trained.  Made hotter by the preschools and childcare facilities that require potty training by age 3 -- implying that of course, it should all be over and done with by then. (Not so, for many children the process is only beginning at this time).

Little wonder then that parents feel awkward bringing up the subject that their child is still having frequent accidents at night -- at 3, at 4... or 8. But the truth is that childhood bedwetting is a very common problem. And it is a problem which -- other than laundry hassles -- could be no big deal at all, were it not for all the fear and misinformation attached to it. The only real harm in the whole bed wetting issue, is the psychological harm done to children who feel that they "are the only ones" and that there is something "wrong" with them.

Knowledge in these subjects areas can bring such a sense of relief, and help restore our sense of perspective (not to mention our sense of humor).   And so, in the interests of lightening things up a bit in families everywhere, we present the following information.

How to Potty Train a Retarded Child

How to Potty Train at School


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